Forming exposition to potentiate creativity

Skip Pletcher
2 min readOct 15, 2022


Linguistically, idea precedes semantic precedes articulation, so even the most elemental words are abstractions (reduced forms of thought).

Logically, we begin with axioms relating those most fundamental abstractions.

Is it possible then to expose new thoughts without reference to some common base? Yes.

The risk for miscommunication creates beneficial potential for misunderstanding and so forming new concepts in a creative process where we layer ideas.

When the test for communication reveals that newness (rather than an echo), it can evoke a simple “Yes, although I never thought of it that way” or “Wow, not what I had in mind but interesting and that suggests ….”

This approach leverages (Hase & Kenyon’s) heutagogy, so seems best applied in conversational context with significantly diverse prior experiences.

Thanks to Kent Beck, who began an exposition on software design by briefly challenging the tradition of defining terms before sharing new concepts. His position on exposition coupled power to my thought-train and switched me from a weekend coffee siding to run this track.

photo by Paul Brennan



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